Corey Stinson
Sales Associate
Mobile: 417-318-1907It's not easy to change your stars, but if anyone knows how, it's Corey Stinson.
Corey hails from as far as Greensburg Pennsylvania to the mountains of the great Pacific Northwest. He retired after 38 years in the aerospace business, raised 6 children , has 15 grandchildren and in 2019 pulled up stakes and relocated the entire clan to the great state of Missouri. Corey never let grass grow under his feet and his wife will tell you he's never just had one iron in the fire. Over the years Corey served as a reserve deputy, volunteer firefighter, 17 years a youth football coach, and was head coach for the baseball team at Cedar home Baptist for several years. Corey has always been an avid fisherman and outdoor enthusiast. His first love was the sea and his second was his family's appaloosa horse ranch. Corey also has a great love for flying and much of his grand memories were spent flying with his grandfather out of the small island airstrip as a youngster.
Being a history buff landed Corey some interesting experiences with the film making industry and he can boast some camping experiences with Jack Palance and Sam Elliot as well as swimming with Angelica Huston in the Rio Grande. ( Just ask him)
So why Missouri land sales now? Well if you ask him he'd tell you that his newest passion is to make everyone as happy and in love with Missouri (Ozarks) as he and his family are and that he knows that everyone is looking for something special and if he can help them find it, well...that's a very satisfying feeling.
Give Corey a call and strike up a friendship with the fella that's going to help you change your own stars. Whether it's relocating or listing your existing home, give him a call at 417-318-1907